Saturday, 21 February 2015

Urban Sprawl: A Source of Informal Employment

In our last post we examined the interconnectedness of the formal and informal sectors. This week we focus our lens on the informal sector. One question we asked ourselves was, "What factors encourage the growth of this sector in the urban area?" This question was partially answered as we walked through Port of Spain and observed many taxi stands within the city. We recognised that there is a great need for transportation services within the city of Port of Spain. This need was created by urban sprawl, a phenomenon driven by spatial and temporal factors.

"The term sprawl... critically describes a pattern of low-density...automobile dependent development that has been a common form of growth outside of urban areas since at least World War II...[and] it also accompanies settlement outside of existing cities
 ( Community and Regional Development Institute. nd)

Photograph of the St. James and St. Anns Taxi Stands In
Port of Spain (Photgraph Taken By Sybastian Manners, April 9, 2015)

"Photograph of St James Taxi Stand at 5:45 am In the Morning.
Even At This Early Hour There Is A Demand For Taxi Service
 (Photo taken by Danielle Smith on Behalf
of Christal Benjamin, February 19, 2015) *

"Photograph of St James Taxi Stand at 4:30 pm. During the Rush Hour"
One Must Move Very Quickly If He/ She Is to Secure A Seat 
(Photo Taken By Theo Jones on Behalf of Christal Benjamin,March 20, 2015)*
Originally a small fishing village in 1757, the city of Port of Spain has evolved spatially over time, becoming a major hub of economic activity in the Southern Caribbean. Immigrants from various Caribbean islands can be found in this city selling and buying goods. Some persons call Port-of-Spain the New York of the Caribbean. Many factors have led to the growth of the city's population and the simultaneous expansion of it's boundaries. Some significant events included:

  • The Cedula of Population invited persons to take up land in the city-1783
  • The Emancipation and resettlement of slaves-1834
  • The Arrival of the East Indian Immigrants-1845
  • The influx of immigrants from small islands who formed illegal settlements in areas such as Sea Lots (ISOCARP 2010)

"The Historical Growth of Port of Spain in
Trinidad through the period 1760 – 2010" ISOCORP 2010).

Today, with a transient population of approximately 350, 000  (Office of Disaster Preparedness Mannagement nd) and an administrative boundary defined defined by 10km2 of urbanized land; the city continues to grow physically and economically. Commuters from the north, south, east and west of the island and even from Tobago, convene in the city on a daily basis and depend on taxi drivers to transport them considerable distances to and from work.
"Belmont Taxi Stand"(Photo Taken By Theo Jones on 
Behalf of Christal Benjamin,March 20, 2015)*

"Long Circular Road/ Wrightson Road Taxi Stand.
(Photo Taken By Theo Jones on 
Behalf of Christal Benjamin,March 20, 2015)*

In fact there is such a great demand for taxi drivers that some formally employed persons work as taxi drivers on a part time basis. However, this has caused a lot of controversy as these drivers work in private cars and sometimes compete with full time taxi drivers.

This problem is further described in the following article:

While urban sprawl is seen by many as a serious problem which must be controlled, Richard Peiser (2001) posited that urban sprawl forms part of the land market function. Moreover he suggests that some aspects of urban sprawl are beneficial and are integral to urban development. 

The taxi drivers in the city of Port of Spain can attest to the fact that urban sprawl is indeed beneficial to them. For many it is the source of their livelihood.


Community and Regional Development Institute.nd. "Defining Sprawl and Smart Growth. Accessed February             21st, 2015. 

Office of Disaster Preparedness Management. nd. "Executive Summary." Accessed February 21,                                   2015.

Peiser, Richard. 2010." Decomposing Urban Sprawl". The Town Palnning Review 72(3):275-298.
           Accessed February 9, 2015.

Ragoonath, Reshma.2014. "PH Drivers Getting Out of Hand-Cadiz". Guardian December 3.                         Accessed         February 21, 2015.                  getting-out-hand%E2%80%94cadiz

The InformationSystem Corporation. 2010. “Sustainable City of Port-of-Spain: Myth or Reality?”                  Accessed February 9, 2015.

*  Danielle Smith and Theo Jones have sole rights to all the photographs taken by them.

1 comment :

  1. H- cars can use the taxi stands, but can P-cars? How do P-cars ply their trade? Nice post! Great photos.
